Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Target Audience Research - Questionnaire

In order to get an idea of what sort of people would watch the production the group is to make, some target audience research is required.
I simply compiled a list of questions that would give an indication of:

  • The type of people who will watch my production
  • Whether Film Noir is 'liked' in the modern day
  • What type of thing my production will require in order to satisfy the needs of the audience
  • What expectations people have of a Film Noir movie
  • Other film likes & preferences
These questions were then compiled into a questionnaire that was distributed to 15 people within the local area.
The questionnaire is shown below:
Film Noir Questionnaire

I chose to distribute 15 in order to assure that the research wasn't bias & it gave an average indication of the audience as a whole.
One way i could have possibly improved the reliability of the results collected would be to distribute to more people amongst a wider geographical area. This was not possible because of time restraints.

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