Fade in -
- Typical loud dramatic Noir music (to be decided)
- Shot on desk
- Fade in logo (to be created)
- Fade out logo
- Newspapers stack - show 2 other characters
- Final newspaper to say: 'detective extraordinaire caught covering up killings'
- Tilts downward
- Tracks and pans to the door
- Frame showing feet of actor
- Tracking shot showing main character walking back to his seat
- Turns on radio (this triggers the beginning of the voiceover talking - which is the main character looking back)
- Looks at/through newspapers, then throws in the bin
- Looks stressed/uneasy, sitting in seat
- Figgitting, taps typewriter seemingly randomly, in boredem
- Bang on door (out of shot)
- Main character looks towards the bang worried
- Camera pans from face to back of head
- Progresses out of his seat and out of frame, as camera moves towards the typewriter keyboard, then upward, revealing a silhouette on the wall, as he lights a cigarette and walks out.
- Camera pans across slightly, revealing the word candy on the paper.
This word will act as the title of the film.
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device
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