Today Chris & I went through what we had decided on last lesson, making a few minor adjustments to the original brainstorm.
Will was able to join us as we began writing a very basic structure of what the scene will contain, how it will be compiled, and how we will go about creating it.
This allowed us to gain an understanding of what the film will be, putting us all on the same 'wave length' so to speak.
From this, as a group, we decided that Chris would take the plan home overnight to create a basic script containing only the actions required from the actor in the scene. This can be done separately as there are no other characters & no dialogue.
When Chris brings the script to school tomorrow, I will begin adding in a voice-over script to suit.
I was also able to source an original, working typewriter for use in the scene, as well as getting a contact from whom I may be able to get a 50's style radio in working condition (not that this matters too much). Both props are essential to the scene, so the earlier we can get them organised, the better.
I will add the brainstorm, basic structure & finalised first draft of the script in the next few posts.
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