Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Diary Entry 10 - Actors Assigned

For the production of the opening scene of 'Candi' we only require 1 actor. This is to play the role of Cole Kelso - a washed up New York City reporter with detective abilities that far exceed that of the NYPD. Cole is  in his 50's but the last couple of months have taken their toll & aged him considerably due to the alcohol, drug abuse & being on the run from various prolific New York  Mobsters.

For the scene, the actor is required to do very little in terms of action & no dialogue is involved in the scene at all. Due to this, the actor needs to be extremely good at portraying emotion & feeling through the use of movement & expression.

Taking all of this into account, William casted Graham Hewitt to play the part. This was useful because it was his house in which we were planning to film anyway. Chris & I have never met Graham before, so have had to have faith in William's casting & Grahams acting ability.
Although Graham is slightly older than Kelso's age in the scene, William has assured us that he will still fit the part, even if it requires a little extra effort to make him look a little younger.
William has Graham's contact details and has passed them onto Chris & I.

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