Friday, March 2, 2012

Shoot Pictures/Information

Yesterday (March 1st) we filmed our production. Overall, I believe it went well, we got all the shots we needed to, without having to re-shoot the shots too many times.

One thing we didn't anticipate was the amount of time it took for the shoot. We originally allocated from 18:00 to 20:00 for the entirety of the shoot, but it took us a lot longer than that due to the fact we had to empty the entire office, moving a large amount of furniture & removing all of the 'modern' items in the room, then reversing the procedure after we had filmed in order to get the room back to how it was when we arrived.
Due to restricted transport we had to arrive at around 16:30, which meant a lot of waiting around, before we could start filming, as we had to wait until it was dark in order to get the right lighting arrangements. We arrived on location at 16:30 & left the location at 21:30.

We set up the lights behind some frosted glass, that Graham sat in front, then the desk was placed accordingly. This gave a less harsh light, but still gave a Film Noir-esque look about the scene, especially the first shot of the desk, and the direct shots of 'Kelso's' face, as the back light is slightly smothered by the frosting of the glass, giving a soft shadow to the front of his face, while still lighting the room enough, adding mystery & lighting the scene at the same time.

Graham did very well in terms of acting, he improvised very well and acted the scene exactly how we wanted him to. We were a little restricted with the filming itself, as Chris was struggling to get a smooth movement on a few of the shots, leading to them being slightly shaky, but a slight shakiness is to be expected due to the fact we didn't have equipment such as a dolly for shots like the arc around the desk, so had to do a handheld alternative. Hopefully we can overcome any shakiness during the editing process.

A few pictures I took during the shoot are shown below:

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