Monday, March 12, 2012

Main Task - Research - Credits

In order to get an authentic Film Noir opening, there has to be a strong attention to detail. This includes the often overlooked fundamentals such as the credits.
Before adding in the credits during the editing process it's vital to know what style the credits should take. This includes the font style, size, placement, colour/tone and also the length of time that the credits actually stay on the screen for. This includes the production company logo that we plan to merge as part of the credits (like in many Film Noir movies).


Sunset Boulevard

Double Indemnity

  The Third Man

This Gun For Hire

 After reviewing the credits of many Film Noir films, in particular, these four clearly defined the conventions of Film Noir credits.

Noticable similarities:
  • Cross-fading text or text fading from nothing,then back to show just the backdrop shot one after another
  • Bold, simple fonts
  • White fonts
  • Embossed letters (especially on titles)
  • Recurring use of '.....' to separate the person from their role in the film
  • simple backdrops with little notable action (road, zither strings, book, silhouette)
  • Use of logo (whether it be a part of the credits or separate like the paramount pictures logo that has the same backdrop in several films)
  • Text is regimented (either centrally/staggered/left-to-right)(never scattered)
  • Relatively simple fonts used
Noticable Differences:
  • Film title isn't always a part of the credits, but is part of the shot instead (e.g. sunset boulevard)
  • Placement of text (some centred, some staggered etc.)
  • Text size
  • Style of text (dependent on the type of film & what suits the film generally
  • Credits aren't always at the beginning of the film
On this basis, it is clear that in order for us to achieve an authentic 40's & 50's Film Noir look about the credits in our film we need to adhere to the majority of the similarities noted above, and think carefully about what differences we can &/or need to have within the credits of our film, in comparison to the original Film Noir blockbusters.

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