Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Preliminary Task - Camera Skills

The Benefits of using a Tripod & Shooting Multi-Camera

The benefits of using a tripod can be explored when shooting almost any type of  movie., The tripod offers a sturdy base in which the camera can sit on, giving better stabilization to your shots, therefore a clearer image without all the jolting and shaking you get with homemade movies. Although some film makers decide to deliberately film free hand to give either an 'amateur' effect or the effect of movement and chaos, it is much more common for tripods to be used. A tripod gives you greater control of the shot you are filming as well as a greater range of manoeuvrability; with free-hand shooting, it is near impossible to get a fluid tilt or pan. With a tripod however, it is a simple task to twist a clip & begin tilting or panning with little help or training.

Similarly, shooting multi-camera can be just as helpful, especially when filming continuity scenes, or catching live action. This is because the more cameras you have filming the same thing, the more action you are likely to catch at any one time. Fort continuity filming it is particularly helpful because rather than filming different camera angles using 1 camera, and moving each time, you reduce the likelihood of continuity errors like clothing/hair etc. being different to another shot. This is never good, it will almost certainly ruin the shot(s). Filming the action as it happens, from several different viewpoints gives better fluidity to the scene, creating a better viewing experience and making it much easier to edit the shots together seamlessly. One of the most beneficial things about shooting multi camera is it saves time. Plain and simply, if you shoot several different shots at once, you don't have to repeat the filming process over and over, and it's likely that you will have less re-takes needed.

In the preliminary task, we have decided to diverge from our original plan of filming with 1 camera & 1 tripod

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