The Chase
The brief of our task was to make a chase scene 1 minute in length. For the task we were given a strict schedule of:
- Pre-production - 1 Hour
- Filming - 1 Hour
- Post Production - 1 Hour
The Team:
- Bradley Hammond - Actor 1, Editor
- William Hewitt - Director, Camera operator
- Myself - Actor 2, Editor
We decided on these roles because Bradley & I had previous experience with editing films, and were knowledgeable with the video editing software we used. Due to this being the first film will has been involved in, he decided he would control the filming & directing although everybody had input into the direction & types of shots filmed. This had to be the case as there was no time for us to plan the exact shots & angles.
Fortunately, we didn't run into any problems during any part of the film-making process. I believe this is down to, in the main, good time management and a mutual understanding of the concept, idea and effect we were trying to produce with the finished product.
In terms of the finished production and the way the team went about completing it, I am pleased. I believe the finished product could have been to a slightly higher standard had all three of us had more experience and more time.
On a personal level, I believe I worked reasonably well in the group. I had frequent input into initial idea, pre-production, filming and editing. I believe communication within the group was almost perfect, as everyone in the group was happy to air any input they had, and a happy-medium was found with any conflicting ideas. I believe the acting was not as good as it could have been on my part, but I am very happy with the editing of the film, which was down to Bradley & I. On a scale of 1-10 i would put my performance within the group at a 7 as I believe there is definite improvement needed, in order to achieve a higher film.
The finished chase scene is shown below.
Once the Chase scene was finished, It had to be presented to fellow peers. For this, Will created an accompanying Slideshow Presentation, whilst the film was being edited. This is shown below.
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