Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Preliminary Task - Progress: Filming

During the filming process we did encounter some minor problems, but none that majorly affected the film itself. We did however have to edit some of the shots, due to restrictions such as objects being in the way & the room being too small. We were able to overcome these, but we did have to adapt some of the shots, so they no longer match the shot list &/or Storyboards. However, we dont think the film will be affected by these changes.
We weren't able to play the shots back from one of the cameras with sound, as the sound on the playback wasn't working. We were sure the sound had recorded because the ticker at the bottom was moving, showing that the sound was being received by the camera. This didn't cause any problems in the end; when the clips were imported to the PC, the sound played back too.

Overall, we believe the filming process went well, apart from the problems outlined above, and in the seperate blog post. We managed to film everything we wanted to, most of the time only needing to do 1 or 2 takes.

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