Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Preliminary Task - Video & Evaluation & Final Poster

The final movie, Therapy, is shown below:

This is the evaluation of the task:

This is the A3 movie poster for our film - 'Therapy', created in adobe photoshop.
Created By Michael

The design of the poster was a culmnation of ideas I had about what would be quirky as well as fitting with the film & the characteristics of movie posters.

One Movie poster that we used for inspiration was the following:
Created By Jacob Cass

Preliminary Task - Progress: Filming

During the filming process we did encounter some minor problems, but none that majorly affected the film itself. We did however have to edit some of the shots, due to restrictions such as objects being in the way & the room being too small. We were able to overcome these, but we did have to adapt some of the shots, so they no longer match the shot list &/or Storyboards. However, we dont think the film will be affected by these changes.
We weren't able to play the shots back from one of the cameras with sound, as the sound on the playback wasn't working. We were sure the sound had recorded because the ticker at the bottom was moving, showing that the sound was being received by the camera. This didn't cause any problems in the end; when the clips were imported to the PC, the sound played back too.

Overall, we believe the filming process went well, apart from the problems outlined above, and in the seperate blog post. We managed to film everything we wanted to, most of the time only needing to do 1 or 2 takes.

Preliminary Task - Progress: Problems Faced During The Task

Initially we had to overcome the fact that neither of us were able to use the cameras to produce the shot we wanted (change of depth of field to focus from an object to the boy's feet). We resolved this by practicing the shot in  mock up situation during a lesson. Here are the clips showing the progression of how we mastered the shot.

Also, we had to postpone the filming date twice due to 2 reasons:
  1. Lack of equipment allocated - we had planned to film dual camera, but due to equipment being lent to other teams, we weren't able to get all the equipment we needed. We then moved the filming date to sunday 27th Nov.
  2. We then had to further postpone the date of filming to 28th Nov because one of our actors pulled out hours before the meet time as he was unavailable.

Another problem we encountered, after recruiting a replacement actor, was that we had to rearrange the parts the actors would play. Fergus, who was initially meant to play Leroy, had to play the psychiatrist - Dr. Winnerton, and our replacement actor Michael would now play Leroy. This had to be changed on the production schedule.

Preliminary Task - Location Photographs & Checklist

RECCE Checklist:
Permit required? - No
Toilets? - Yes
Parking? - Yes
Sound check completed? - Yes; no background noise interference
Electrical Outlets - Yes, 6 3-pin plugs
Checked with nearby residents? - Not needed
Contingencies put in place for bad weather? - Not needed
Time restrictions? - Filming must be completed by 7 o'clock
Permission needed? if so, has it been granted? - Not needed
Easily accessible? - Yes
Will filming cause disruption? - No
Health & Safety risks? - No high risks, low level risks will be the responsibility of the team members & actors. No one else will be near the set as it is a closed environment.

Location Photographs:
The location for the scene will be the outside of, and predominantly, the inside of my study. This will give the feeling of an office, with a casual feeling you would expect from a therapists office.

Photos of the location (before the addition of props, furniture & other material) are shown below: